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Is SMCA affiliated with a specific church?

Yes, SMCA is a ministry of Merrimack Valley Baptist Church.


What are the academic standards of SMCA?

SMCA maintains a high level of academic expectations. Our students consistently score well above the national, local, and Stanford Achievement Tests standards. Students entering from others schools may experience a period of academic transition. We believe, however, that each student should strive to reach the highest level of academic achievement possible according to the talents and abilities with which God has gifted him/her.

Does tuition cost cover all of the expenses?

No. Other expenses may include but are not limited to books, registration, field trips, and hot lunch orders.


Is tuition assistance available?

Please contact the school administrator, Ken Amador, with questions regarding financial assistance.


What is the average class size?

Class sizes may vary, but generally range between 10 and 15. K3 usually has no more than 10 students.


​Does SMCA have a dress code?

Yes. Students are required to wear uniforms purchased through Lands End. A guide of our approved uniforms may be picked up in the office.

What is SMCA's philosophy of discipline?

Discipline is based upon and guided by the absolute principles of Scripture and the institutional distinctives of our school. Our philosophy dictates that there exists a relationship of trust between the home and the school in all matters, including the discipline of students. Scripture clearly indicates that parents are established by God as the authority over their children and we believe that this authority may be delegated to other leaders in the children's lives. The most important goal and aim of discipline is to have the students understand and submit to the authority and love of God in their lives. We will support the discipline of your home and expect the same from you.


Does SMCA serve hot lunch?

SMCA does not provide hot lunch, but the Lunch Coordinator does contract with local vendors to provide hot lunches for the school. Hot lunches are ordered online via ParentsWeb a week in advance and are not included in tuition costs. Students are welcome to bring their own lunches as well.

Does SMCA provide transportation?

No, the school does not currently provide services to our students in Massachusetts. However there are carpooling opportunities for these families. Please contact the school office for more details.

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